Sometimes a claim comes across your desk that includes a more unusual item than appliances, water heaters, home entertainment equipment, and other common electronics. Electrically powered toys can fail independently or along with other items in a home. Click through this gallery to learn why claims involving toys are worth an expert assessment, and see some of the more unique items StrikeCheck has inspected.
Click through this gallery to see toys and other leisure items that StrikeCheck has inspected, and learn why you shouldn’t overlook them in your claims assessments.
Along with more commonly claimed items such as computers and home theater equipment, the policyholder included 15 different electronic toys in this claim. Among these toys were dolls, a café set, and several electric vehicles and tracks.
Though toys may seem inconsequential compared to more costly electronics, the adjuster handling this claim knew that little things add up and wisely included every claimed item in their assessment request.
When the StrikeCheck team tested the items onsite, the electric vehicles and their track, along with the toy café set, were functioning as designed, as were some of the larger items like vacuum cleaners and a home theater receiver. Without this assessment, the adjuster risked settling for unnecessary replacements, including hundreds of dollars for toys.
Working out might not be everyone’s idea of fun, but many homeowners consider their exercise equipment integral to their leisure time. A stationary bike was included in a claim along with televisions (TVs) and light fixtures, all of which the policyholder reported no longer functioned.
StrikeCheck’s technician tested the power source for all of the items onsite.
The StrikeCheck assessment determined that most of the items included in the claim required replacement due to a high voltage surge. The bicycle could be repaired with a new power cord rather than a full replacement.
An all-or-nothing approach to settlement decisions is frequently inaccurate, as even items that are damaged may not require a full replacement to return to pre-loss condition.
An adjuster needed to verify damage to two televisions and two hoverboards that their insured claimed no longer operated. The StrikeCheck team performed an assessment and delivered an actionable report in seven business days.
Onsite, the technician verified power at the outlets used to charge the hoverboards and power the TVs using a multimeter and found it to be near the standard 120 volts.
StrikeCheck determined three items were damaged due to water and required replacement. However, the technician found one hoverboard operated as designed and needed no action.
While the cost of a hoverboard may seem like a small amount, settling for unnecessary replacements over multiple claims can add up to a lot of indemnity leakage. Getting an expert assessment of all claimed items, no matter how small, gives you the answers you need for a more accurate settlement.
A policyholder claimed that two arcade games at their rental property, along with a hot tub and a TV, were no longer operating as intended due to water intrusion. StrikeCheck’s team was able to send a single technician with expertise in all items included in the assessment.
StrikeCheck tested the arcade games onsite, as well as the TV display for the multi-game cabinet.
The onsite assessment determined that the arcade games, TV, and hot tub were all in working order and showed no signs of water damage or malfunction. StrikeCheck recommended no repairs, replacements, or action based on their function.
In this instance, settling without an accurate assessment could have led to costly unnecessary replacements and a hassle for the policyholder.
This claim was full of toys and electronic games, including multiple gaming consoles and associated items, VR equipment, and two drones. The policyholder claimed that these items were all damaged due to water after a pipe leaked.
StrikeCheck’s technician attempted to power on items, used an amp reader to measure currents within the house, and performed visual inspections.
StrikeCheck’s assessment determined that 12 out of the 13 claimed items were indeed water damaged and required replacement to return the insured to pre-loss condition. In one drone, the technician found water in the battery compartment. However, the second drone functioned as designed and required no repair or replacement.
In cases where many items are damaged, it may be tempting to resolve the claim by replacing all items, but that practice can cost insurance carriers over time.
Hopefully this painted a clear picture of the importance of including claimed toys in your assessment request. An accurate cause of loss, even on something as seemingly insignificant as a toy, allows you to make a settlement decision based on the facts.
To learn how StrikeCheck can bring you the answers you need on electronics and electrically powered items included in claims, submit an assignment.
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StrikeCheck, part of Alpine Intel’s suite of services, uses a nationwide network of experts to help insurance professionals make claims decisions confidently. Our knowledge and experience allow us to accurately evaluate residential and commercial electrical equipment, including appliances, consumer electronics, electrical and lighting components, smart technology, and much more.